Channeling Spring

I awoke, Winter weary, to a snow so beautiful that it seems almost defiant. Ok, March, give me what you’ve got. We are home for what seems like the 10th day and there is a restless energy in me that is hard to define. I think it is the anticipation of Spring. When we lived in the Midwest, Spring’s arrival was heralded by people wearing shorts in fifty degree weather. Neighbors would appear, their children taller and older than when you saw them last, and people were supremely joyful. Really.

This Winter has not been that bad… but I am really glad that we got a real bonafide Winter because it will make the Spring more precious.

My run is most likely side-lined today, but this kicky little song is new to my playlist and I thought I’d share. The beginning sounds like Paul Simon’s, Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover, which I love… the percussion starting that song has always been a big part of why I love it, and then it rounds into sounding like something  Terrance Trent D’Arby might make. Whatever the influences, I really love it.

Natural Self “Feet Keep Moving”